Utolsó tételek a raktáron

Bike Wash Bucket

Termék szám: 93600133 Bike Wash Bucket

Universal Sold Separately: Cleaning supplies shown in video Sold In Units: Each In the Box: 5.0-gallon cleaning bucket and removable Grit Guard® insert
30 870,00 Ft

24 307,09 Ft, áfa nélkül


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A kosárban lévő áru értéke van 0,00 Ft. Vásároljon többet 39 600,00 Ft és ingyenes kiszállítást kap a kiválasztott fuvarozóknál.

0,00 Ft

Ingyenes szállítás
The perfect way to keep your bike clean, this bike wash bucket holds the key to lustrous shine. • 5.0-gallon cleaning bucket features a removable Grit Guard® insert that keeps sponges and wash mitts away from the dirt particles that settle to the bottom • Use it to store cleaning products between washes • Sturdy handle and screw-on, water-tight lid make transportation and storage a breeze • Cleaning supplies shown in video are not included with the Wash Bucket
3 elem

Ingyenes szállítás 38 507,20 Ft felett


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